Walk in Boston # 9, the Chinatown, Downtown and Financial Districts, is a 2 miles self-guided tour to visit three different parts of Boston. You’ll find Asian restaurants and bakeries, department stores and a lot of skyscrapers along your way.
This walk is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions (see link below).
In this pdf you will also find:
- the list of Highlights.
- the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Cars.
- tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
- details about a particular place you will find on your route.
You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.
This will allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.
Find it now on Payhip.
Otherwise, the description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

A: Your walk starts at …., and the …is described in detail in Walk in Boston # 8 if you want to explore it now.
Otherwise, once out, turn left on A… you’ll enter the … with its 19th century brick warehouses. It now houses various shops and appartements.
At …, you’ll start to guess you’re not far from ….
B: On the right of its entrance gate, you’ll see a small park with ….. On the left and a bit further, on …, you’ll see retired men often play cards in a public square.
It’s like you were suddenly in …
You now have the choice to stay on…or to take the adjacent streets until you reach …..
In any case, you’ll see many restaurants, bakeries, jewelers, gift shops; on…., there is a supermarket with Asian products you cannot easily find anywhere else.

C: Once on … will be on your left, at ….
You’ll be able to read, once in the basement and in front of the … New England, everything you want to know about the different waves of ….
D: Next, keep going toward … a small alley ending with a staircase. It will perhaps remind you of Europe.
Many interesting façades on your way, most of them renovated a few years ago when ….experienced a much needed uplifting.
In order of apparition, the art…; next to it, the historical …; further north, just after …, the façade and clock of F…, a now defunct department store.
… were for years the anchors of the area; huge crowds were going there to look for the latest fashion. Filene’s closed a few years ago and now …, a tower with luxury apartments and on its first floors, a new fast fashion department store, stand were it was. …is still there but its future is uncertain.
Not far, two other department stores await your patronage, as well as smaller clothes and shoes stores. That makes … a shopping magnet for brand names clothes and accessories at often reduced prices.

E: After all this shopping,…. will offer you a respite: only small shops there, dealing with antiques coins or shoe repairs, like nothing had changed since they opened.
At…, you’ll nearly be in front of the…, an historical building now hosting an upmarket steakhouse; there’s a … on one side and an … on the other, with signs explaining what they are.
F: Next, take …on your right to reach a small plaza; ….is at its center; in front of it, the … House, the original site of the …
There is often a fruit and vegetable stand next to it, as well as a used books stand. These stands are both on…, and you’ll have to stay on this street to reach …where you will turn right.

G: You will then be in the…with its many skyscrapers.
At the … that you’ll reach by turning left on …, you’ll be able to see them from a distance; you can even sit on benches amid trees or at a small café outdoor terrace.
H: After this detour, retrace your steps on … on your left. If you go straight, you’ll reach…. You can also veer right then left then right then left again and finally reach …from where you’ll be able to see…. It’s a detour to explore the area more in depth.
NB: many buildings in this area have 1st floor indoor cafes and little boutiques. It should give you an excuse to enter then during the week (most are closed on week-ends) and admire their architecture, fountains, terrace, chandelier and artworks.
At …you’ll be at the end of this walk but if you want more, it’s also the start of Walk in Boston # 8, the trendy Fortpoint Seaport District. You’ll cross the …, see the skyscrapers from a distance, and discover more secret and not so secret places in the city.
Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.